Coursera - Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification - Week 1 - Section 4 - Regression Model


Week 1: Introduction to Machine Learning

Section 4: Regression Model

1. Video: Linear regression model part 1


2. Video: Linear regression model part 2

In machine learning, the convention is that y-hat is the estimate or the prediction for y.
The function f is called the model.
Another name for a linear model with one input variable is univariate linear regression, where uni means one in Latin, and where variate means variable. Univariate is just a fancy way of saying one variable.

For linear regression, the model is represented by \( f_{w, b}(x)=w x+b \).  Which of the following is the output or "target" variable?
  • x
  • \( \hat{y} \)
  • m
  • y
y is the true value for that training example, referred to as the output variable, or "target".

3. Lab: Optional lab: Model representation


4. Video: Cost function formula

Training set

Eventually we're going to want to find values of w and b that make the cost function small.

The cost function used for linear regression is
\( J(w, b)=\frac{1}{2 m} \sum_{i=1}^m\left(f_{w, b}\left(x^{(i)}\right)-y^{(i)}\right)^2 \)
Which of these are the parameters of the model that can be adjusted?
  • w and b
  • \( f_{w, b}\left(x^{(i)}\right) \)
  • w only, because we should choose b=0
  • \( \hat{y} \)
w and b are parameters of the model, adjusted as the model learns from the data. They’re also referred to as "coefficients" or "weights".

5. Video: Cost function intuition

When does the model fit the data relatively well, compared to other choices for parameter w?
  • When w is close to zero.
  • When the cost J is at or near a minimum.
  • When fw(x) is at or near a minimum for all the values of x in the training set.
  • When x is at or near a minimum.
When the cost is relatively small, closer to zero, it means the model fits the data better compared to other choices for w and b.

6. Video: Visualizing the cost function


7. Video: Visualization examples

8. Lab: Optional lab: Cost function

Category: AI Tags: public

