Managing Applications and Infrastructure with Terraform-Deploying Infrastructure with Terraform-(2)Terraform for AWS-(7)Networking Part 2: Subnets, Security, and the Count Attribute
Edit the networking/ file.
The length function determines the length of a given list, map, or string.
Edit the networking/ file.
ec2-user:~/environment/AWS/networking $ pwd
ec2-user:~/environment/AWS/networking $ terraform plan
length Function
Managing Applications and Infrastructure with Terraform-Deploying Infrastructure with Terraform
2. Terraform for AWS
7. Networking Part 2: Subnets, Security, and the Count Attribute
ec2-user:~/environment/AWS/networking $ terraform destroy The region where AWS operations will take place. Examples are us-east-1, us-west-2, etc. Enter a value: us-west-2 data.aws_availability_zones.available: Refreshing state... [id=2020-10-09 07:45:04.65477995 +0000 UTC] aws_vpc.tf_vpc: Refreshing state... [id=vpc-0c8aabd8c4d127866] aws_internet_gateway.tf_internet_gateway: Refreshing state... [id=igw-01845da5ec1f7a223] aws_default_route_table.tf_private_rt: Refreshing state... [id=rtb-0d18cf1858d8834f8] aws_route_table.tf_public_rt: Refreshing state... [id=rtb-031128320e5c6035c] An execution plan has been generated and is shown below. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: - destroy Terraform will perform the following actions: # aws_default_route_table.tf_private_rt will be destroyed - resource "aws_default_route_table" "tf_private_rt" { - default_route_table_id = "rtb-0d18cf1858d8834f8" -> null - id = "rtb-0d18cf1858d8834f8" -> null - owner_id = "124011853020" -> null - propagating_vgws = [] -> null - route = [] -> null - tags = { - "Name" = "tf_private" } -> null - vpc_id = "vpc-0c8aabd8c4d127866" -> null } # aws_internet_gateway.tf_internet_gateway will be destroyed - resource "aws_internet_gateway" "tf_internet_gateway" { - arn = "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:124011853020:internet-gateway/igw-01845da5ec1f7a223" -> null - id = "igw-01845da5ec1f7a223" -> null - owner_id = "124011853020" -> null - tags = { - "Name" = "tf_igw" } -> null - vpc_id = "vpc-0c8aabd8c4d127866" -> null } # aws_route_table.tf_public_rt will be destroyed - resource "aws_route_table" "tf_public_rt" { - id = "rtb-031128320e5c6035c" -> null - owner_id = "124011853020" -> null - propagating_vgws = [] -> null - route = [ - { - cidr_block = "" - egress_only_gateway_id = "" - gateway_id = "igw-01845da5ec1f7a223" - instance_id = "" - ipv6_cidr_block = "" - local_gateway_id = "" - nat_gateway_id = "" - network_interface_id = "" - transit_gateway_id = "" - vpc_peering_connection_id = "" }, ] -> null - tags = { - "Name" = "tf_public" } -> null - vpc_id = "vpc-0c8aabd8c4d127866" -> null } # aws_vpc.tf_vpc will be destroyed - resource "aws_vpc" "tf_vpc" { - arn = "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:124011853020:vpc/vpc-0c8aabd8c4d127866" -> null - assign_generated_ipv6_cidr_block = false -> null - cidr_block = "" -> null - default_network_acl_id = "acl-02e907d02d9940b26" -> null - default_route_table_id = "rtb-0d18cf1858d8834f8" -> null - default_security_group_id = "sg-05a08cc5d0be9ff08" -> null - dhcp_options_id = "dopt-cc5342a9" -> null - enable_classiclink = false -> null - enable_classiclink_dns_support = false -> null - enable_dns_hostnames = true -> null - enable_dns_support = true -> null - id = "vpc-0c8aabd8c4d127866" -> null - instance_tenancy = "default" -> null - main_route_table_id = "rtb-0d18cf1858d8834f8" -> null - owner_id = "124011853020" -> null - tags = { - "Name" = "tf_vpc" } -> null } Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 4 to destroy. Do you really want to destroy all resources? Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above. There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm. Enter a value: yes aws_route_table.tf_public_rt: Destroying... [id=rtb-031128320e5c6035c] aws_default_route_table.tf_private_rt: Destroying... [id=rtb-0d18cf1858d8834f8] aws_default_route_table.tf_private_rt: Destruction complete after 0s aws_route_table.tf_public_rt: Destruction complete after 0s aws_internet_gateway.tf_internet_gateway: Destroying... [id=igw-01845da5ec1f7a223] aws_internet_gateway.tf_internet_gateway: Still destroying... [id=igw-01845da5ec1f7a223, 10s elapsed] aws_internet_gateway.tf_internet_gateway: Destruction complete after 11s aws_vpc.tf_vpc: Destroying... [id=vpc-0c8aabd8c4d127866] aws_vpc.tf_vpc: Destruction complete after 0s Destroy complete! Resources: 4 destroyed.
Edit the networking/ file.
#---networking/ data "aws_availability_zones" "available" {} resource "aws_vpc" "tf_vpc" { cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr enable_dns_hostnames = true enable_dns_support = true tags = { Name = "tf_vpc" } } resource "aws_internet_gateway" "tf_internet_gateway" { vpc_id = tags = { Name = "tf_igw" } } resource "aws_route_table" "tf_public_rt" { vpc_id = route { cidr_block = "" gateway_id = } tags = { Name = "tf_public" } } resource "aws_default_route_table" "tf_private_rt" { default_route_table_id = aws_vpc.tf_vpc.default_route_table_id tags = { Name = "tf_private" } } resource "aws_subnet" "tf_public_subnet" { count = 2 vpc_id = cidr_block = var.public_cidrs[count.index] map_public_ip_on_launch = true availability_zone = data.aws_availability_zones.available.names[count.index] tags = { Name = "tf_public_${count.index + 1}" } } resource "aws_route_table_association" "tf_public_assoc" { count = length(aws_subnet.tf_public_subnet) subnet_id = aws_subnet.tf_public_subnet.*.id[count.index] route_table_id = } resource "aws_security_group" "tf_public_sg" { name = "tf_public_sg" description = "Used for access to the public instances" vpc_id = #SSH ingress { from_port = 22 to_port = 22 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [var.accessip] } #HTTP ingress { from_port = 80 to_port = 80 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [var.accessip] } egress { from_port = 0 to_port = 0 protocol = "-1" cidr_blocks = [""] } }In Terraform 0.13, to count the number, use length() function. In Terraform 0.11, to count the number, use syntax .
The length function determines the length of a given list, map, or string.
Edit the networking/ file.
#---networking/ variable "vpc_cidr" { default = "" } variable "public_cidrs" { default = [ "", "" ] } variable "accessip" { default = "" }
ec2-user:~/environment/AWS/networking $ pwd
ec2-user:~/environment/AWS/networking $ terraform plan The region where AWS operations will take place. Examples are us-east-1, us-west-2, etc. Enter a value: us-west-2 Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan... The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be persisted to local or remote state storage. data.aws_availability_zones.available: Refreshing state... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ An execution plan has been generated and is shown below. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: + create Terraform will perform the following actions: # aws_default_route_table.tf_private_rt will be created + resource "aws_default_route_table" "tf_private_rt" { + default_route_table_id = (known after apply) + id = (known after apply) + owner_id = (known after apply) + route = (known after apply) + tags = { + "Name" = "tf_private" } + vpc_id = (known after apply) } # aws_internet_gateway.tf_internet_gateway will be created + resource "aws_internet_gateway" "tf_internet_gateway" { + arn = (known after apply) + id = (known after apply) + owner_id = (known after apply) + tags = { + "Name" = "tf_igw" } + vpc_id = (known after apply) } # aws_route_table.tf_public_rt will be created + resource "aws_route_table" "tf_public_rt" { + id = (known after apply) + owner_id = (known after apply) + propagating_vgws = (known after apply) + route = [ + { + cidr_block = "" + egress_only_gateway_id = "" + gateway_id = (known after apply) + instance_id = "" + ipv6_cidr_block = "" + local_gateway_id = "" + nat_gateway_id = "" + network_interface_id = "" + transit_gateway_id = "" + vpc_peering_connection_id = "" }, ] + tags = { + "Name" = "tf_public" } + vpc_id = (known after apply) } # aws_route_table_association.tf_public_assoc[0] will be created + resource "aws_route_table_association" "tf_public_assoc" { + id = (known after apply) + route_table_id = (known after apply) + subnet_id = (known after apply) } # aws_route_table_association.tf_public_assoc[1] will be created + resource "aws_route_table_association" "tf_public_assoc" { + id = (known after apply) + route_table_id = (known after apply) + subnet_id = (known after apply) } # aws_security_group.tf_public_sg will be created + resource "aws_security_group" "tf_public_sg" { + arn = (known after apply) + description = "Used for access to the public instances" + egress = [ + { + cidr_blocks = [ + "", ] + description = "" + from_port = 0 + ipv6_cidr_blocks = [] + prefix_list_ids = [] + protocol = "-1" + security_groups = [] + self = false + to_port = 0 }, ] + id = (known after apply) + ingress = [ + { + cidr_blocks = [ + "", ] + description = "" + from_port = 22 + ipv6_cidr_blocks = [] + prefix_list_ids = [] + protocol = "tcp" + security_groups = [] + self = false + to_port = 22 }, + { + cidr_blocks = [ + "", ] + description = "" + from_port = 80 + ipv6_cidr_blocks = [] + prefix_list_ids = [] + protocol = "tcp" + security_groups = [] + self = false + to_port = 80 }, ] + name = "tf_public_sg" + owner_id = (known after apply) + revoke_rules_on_delete = false + vpc_id = (known after apply) } # aws_subnet.tf_public_subnet[0] will be created + resource "aws_subnet" "tf_public_subnet" { + arn = (known after apply) + assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = false + availability_zone = "us-west-2a" + availability_zone_id = (known after apply) + cidr_block = "" + id = (known after apply) + ipv6_cidr_block_association_id = (known after apply) + map_public_ip_on_launch = true + owner_id = (known after apply) + tags = { + "Name" = "tf_public_1" } + vpc_id = (known after apply) } # aws_subnet.tf_public_subnet[1] will be created + resource "aws_subnet" "tf_public_subnet" { + arn = (known after apply) + assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = false + availability_zone = "us-west-2b" + availability_zone_id = (known after apply) + cidr_block = "" + id = (known after apply) + ipv6_cidr_block_association_id = (known after apply) + map_public_ip_on_launch = true + owner_id = (known after apply) + tags = { + "Name" = "tf_public_2" } + vpc_id = (known after apply) } # aws_vpc.tf_vpc will be created + resource "aws_vpc" "tf_vpc" { + arn = (known after apply) + assign_generated_ipv6_cidr_block = false + cidr_block = "" + default_network_acl_id = (known after apply) + default_route_table_id = (known after apply) + default_security_group_id = (known after apply) + dhcp_options_id = (known after apply) + enable_classiclink = (known after apply) + enable_classiclink_dns_support = (known after apply) + enable_dns_hostnames = true + enable_dns_support = true + id = (known after apply) + instance_tenancy = "default" + ipv6_association_id = (known after apply) + ipv6_cidr_block = (known after apply) + main_route_table_id = (known after apply) + owner_id = (known after apply) + tags = { + "Name" = "tf_vpc" } } Plan: 9 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform can't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if "terraform apply" is subsequently run.
length Function