Coursera - Neural Networks and Deep Learning - Week 4 - Section 1 - Deep Neural Networks


Week 4: Deep Neural Networks

Section 1: Deep Neural Network

1. Video: Deep L-layer Neural Network

What is a deep neural network?

Deep neural network notation

2. Video: Forward Propagation in a Deep Network

Forward propagation in a deep network

3. Video: Getting your Matrix Dimensions Right

Parameters W[l] and b[l]


Vectorized implementation

4. Video: Why Deep Representations?


5. Video: Building Blocks of Deep Neural Networks


6. Video: Forward and Backward Propagation


7. Reading: Optional Reading: Feedforward Neural Networks in Depth


8. Video: Parameters vs Hyperparameters


9. Reading: Clarification For: What does this have to do with the brain?


10. Video: What does this have to do with the brain?



Category: AI Tags: public

