Coursera - Neural Networks and Deep Learning - Week 2 - Section 2 - Python and Vectorization
What is vectorization?
SIMD: single instruction multiple data
True or false. Vectorization cannot be done without a GPU.
Neural network programming guideline
Whenever possible, avoid explicit for-loops.
Vectors and matrix valued functions
Say you need to apply the exponential operation on every element of a matrix/vector.
\( v=\left[\begin{array}{c}
v_1 \\
\vdots \\
\end{array}\right] \) -->
Logistic regression derivatives
Implementing Logistic Regression
Vectorizing Logistic Regression
What are the dimensions of matrix X in this video?
Vectorizing Logistic Regression
Implementing Logistic Regression
How do you compute the derivative of b in one line of code in Python numpy?
Broadcasting example
Calories from Carbs, Proteins, Fats in 100g of different foods:
GitHub: ipynb
General Principle
Matlab/Octave: bsxfun
Which of the following numpy line of code would sum the values in a matrix A vertically?
19.2 Broadcasting
Jupyter notebook:
Python/numpy vectors
What kind of array has dimensions in this format: (10, ) ?
Week 2: Neural Network Basics
Section 2: Python and Vectorization
1. Video: Vectorization
What is vectorization?
SIMD: single instruction multiple data
True or false. Vectorization cannot be done without a GPU.
- True
- False
2. Video: More Vectorization Examples
Neural network programming guideline
Whenever possible, avoid explicit for-loops.
Vectors and matrix valued functions
Say you need to apply the exponential operation on every element of a matrix/vector.
\( v=\left[\begin{array}{c}
v_1 \\
\vdots \\
\end{array}\right] \) -->
Logistic regression derivatives
Implementing Logistic Regression
3. Video: Vectorizing Logistic Regression
Vectorizing Logistic Regression
\( z^{(1)}=w^T x^{(1)}+b \) | \( z^{(2)}=w^T x^{(2)}+b \) | \( z^{(3)}=w^T x^{(3)}+b \) |
\( a^{(1)}=\sigma\left(z^{(1)}\right) \) | \( a^{(2)}=\sigma\left(z^{(2)}\right) \) | \( a^{(3)}=\sigma\left(z^{(3)}\right) \) |
What are the dimensions of matrix X in this video?
- (m, 1)
- (nx, m)
- (m, )
- (m, nx)
4. Video: Vectorizing Logistic Regression's Gradient Output
Vectorizing Logistic Regression
Implementing Logistic Regression
How do you compute the derivative of b in one line of code in Python numpy?
- m(np.sum(dZ))
- 1 - m(np.sum(dZ))
- 1 / m*(np.sum(dZ))
- 1 * m(np.sum(dZ))
5. Video: Broadcasting in Python
Broadcasting example
Calories from Carbs, Proteins, Fats in 100g of different foods:
GitHub: ipynb
General Principle
Matlab/Octave: bsxfun
Which of the following numpy line of code would sum the values in a matrix A vertically?
- A.sum(axis = 1)
- A.sum(axis)
- A.sum(axis = 0)
19.2 Broadcasting
6. Video: A Note on Python/Numpy Vectors
Jupyter notebook:
Python/numpy vectors
What kind of array has dimensions in this format: (10, ) ?
- An identity array
- A rank 0 array
- A rank 1 array
7. Video: Quick tour of Jupyter/iPython Notebooks
8. Video: Explanation of Logistic Regression Cost Function (Optional)