Build Your-Own Multi-architecture container image with Your Own Infrastructure


Building a multi-architecture container involves creating a container image that can run on different CPU architectures (like amd64, arm64, etc.). This is particularly useful for ensuring compatibility across various environments, like local development machines, CI/CD pipelines, and production servers. Here's a general approach to building a multi-architecture container:


  • Compute resource: Amazon EC2
    • 1 EC2 instance for management (t4g.nano, Ubuntu Server 22.04, 8GiB EBS, IAM role for Session Manager and ECR upload) (management node)
    • 1 EC2 instance for building x86_64 architecture images (t3a.micro, Ubuntu Server 22.04, 10Gib EBS, IAM role for Session Manager) (worker node #1)
    • 1 EC2 instance for building Arm_64 architecture images (t4g.micro, Ubuntu Server 22.04, 10Gib EBS, IAM role for Session Manager) (worker node #2)
  • Container registry: Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

Important Considerations
Resource Allocation: Be aware of the resources (CPU, memory) available on each node and how this might impact your builds.

1. Set Up Your Environment for Docker Multi-node Builder

Install buildx tool for building multi-architecture images. buildx is a Docker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities.

Creating a Docker multi-node builder, also known as setting up a Docker buildx build environment with multiple nodes, allows you to build container images using the resources of several Docker hosts. This can be particularly useful for speeding up builds or building multi-platform images. Here's a general guide on how to set it up:


  • Docker Engine 19.03 or later.
  • The docker buildx plugin, which is included in Docker 19.03 and later.
  • Multiple Docker hosts (nodes) with Docker installed, network-accessible from the machine where you're running the build.

Install Docker and buildx Tool

To install the buildx tool on Ubuntu, you need to follow a few steps. buildx is a Docker CLI plugin that extends the capabilities of Docker, specifically with features needed for building multi-architecture images. As of Docker 19.03, buildx comes bundled with Docker, so you might already have it installed. Here's how to install or verify the installation:

First, ensure you have Docker installed on your Ubuntu system. If Docker is not installed, you can install it with the following commands:

1. Update the apt package index:
sudo apt-get update

2. Install packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS:
sudo apt-get install -y \
  apt-transport-https \
  ca-certificates \
  curl \
  gnupg \

3. Add Docker's official GPG key:
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg

4. Set up the stable repository:
echo \
  "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \
  $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

5. Install Docker Engine:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Repeat the above steps to install Docker on all nodes (1 management node and 2 worker nodes in this case).

Expose Docker Daemon

The following steps expose Docker daemon on TCP port 2375.

To simplify the demonstration, this article exposes Docker daemon on TCP port 2375. For my environment, since all there Docker nodes are deployed in the private subnets, exposing Docker daemon via TCP:2375 is just fine for me. In your production environment, I would still strongly recommend to expose Docker daemon on TCP port 2376, refer to Expose Docker daemon on TCP port 2376.
Security: When adding remote nodes, ensure your connection is secure, especially if you're using TCP connections to remote Docker daemons.

Repeat the following steps on all worker nodes.

1. Create daemon.json file in /etc/docker:
# vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
{"hosts": ["tcp://", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"]}

mkdir -p /etc/docker
echo "{\"hosts\": [\"tcp://\", \"unix:///var/run/docker.sock\"]}" > /etc/docker/daemon.json

2. Add /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf 
# mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
vim /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf

3. Reload the systemd daemon:
# systemctl daemon-reload

4. Restart docker:
# systemctl restart docker.service

Create Docker Context

A Docker context is a concept introduced in Docker to allow you to store configuration options for connecting to different Docker environments. Each context stores the configuration to connect to a specific Docker daemon, whether it's local or remote. This makes it easier to manage and switch between different Docker environments without having to manually reconfigure settings or environment variables each time.

Key Points about Docker Contexts
Purpose: Docker contexts are primarily used to manage multiple Docker host environments. For instance, you might have one context for your local development environment, another for a staging environment on a remote server, and yet another for a production environment

Configuration: A Docker context contains information such as the Docker daemon endpoint (local socket or remote URL), TLS settings, and other metadata necessary to connect and authenticate with the Docker daemon.

On the manager node, execute the following commands to configure Docker context.
1. Create context: Create a new Docker context using the command line:
docker context create my-context --docker "host=tcp://"
This command creates a context named my-context that connects to a Docker daemon running at on port 2376.

# docker context create my-context-x86 --docker "host=tcp://"
Successfully created context "my-context-x86"

# docker context create my-context-Arm --docker "host=tcp://10.0.z.yy:2375"
Successfully created context "my-context-Arm"

2. List context: You can see your existing contexts using:
docker context ls
NAME             DESCRIPTION                               DOCKER ENDPOINT               ERROR
default *        Current DOCKER_HOST based configuration   unix:///var/run/docker.sock
my-context-Arm                                             tcp://10.0.z.yy:2375
my-context-x86                                             tcp://
This command lists all available Docker contexts and shows the current active context.

3. Use context: You can switch between contexts using:
docker context use my-context
Current context is now "my-context"
After executing this command, all subsequent Docker commands will be executed against the Docker daemon defined in my-context.

# docker context use my-context-x86
Current context is now "my-context-x86"

Default Context: By default, Docker commands are executed in the default context, which is your local Docker environment.

Remote Access: When setting up a context for remote access, you often need to configure TLS for secure communication with the remote Docker daemon. This might involve specifying certificates and keys.

URL in Context: The URL in a Docker context typically refers to the address of the Docker daemon. For local daemons, it's usually a Unix socket path. For remote daemons, it's a network address (tcp://<host>:<port>).

Use Cases
  • Multiple Environments: Switching between local, staging, and production environments without modifying environment variables or Docker configurations.
  • Remote Management: Managing containers on remote hosts directly from your local machine.
  • CI/CD Pipelines: Automating deployments and container management in different environments.
Docker context is a powerful feature for DevOps professionals and developers who need to manage containers across different environments efficiently. They simplify the process of connecting to and interacting with multiple Docker daemons, both locally and remotely.

Important Consideration
Docker contexts: Docker contexts are a secure and convenient way to define remote Docker nodes. Use docker context create to set up contexts for each of your nodes.

Steps to Create a Docker Multi-Node Builder

On the manager node, execute the following commands to configure Docker builder.

1. Create a new builder instance
Start by creating a new builder instance that supports multi-architecture builds. Use the buildx command with Docker:
docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use

2. Add additional build nodes
You can add nodes to this builder instance. Nodes can be local or remote Docker hosts. To add a remote node, you need the Docker context or the URL and certificate of the remote Docker daemon.
docker buildx create --name mybuilder --append <remote-docker-context-or-URL>

# docker buildx create --name mybuilder --append my-context-Arm

Repeat this step for each worker node you want to add.

3. Inspect your builder
To see all the nodes in your builder, use:
docker buildx inspect mybuilder --bootstrap
[+] Building 4.3s (1/1) FINISHED
 => [internal] booting buildkit                                                                                                                                                      4.3s
 => => pulling image moby/buildkit:buildx-stable-1                                                                                                                                   3.4s
 => => creating container buildx_buildkit_mybuilder1                                                                                                                                 0.9s
Name:          mybuilder
Driver:        docker-container
Last Activity: 2024-01-01 11:17:00 +0000 UTC

Name:      mybuilder0
Endpoint:  my-context-x86
Status:    running
Buildkit:  v0.12.4
Platforms: linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/amd64/v3, linux/386
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.executor:         oci
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.hostname:         3ab89ea121bd          host
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.oci.process-mode: sandbox
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.selinux.enabled:  false
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.snapshotter:      overlayfs
GC Policy rule#0:
 All:           false
 Filters:       type==source.local,type==exec.cachemount,type==source.git.checkout
 Keep Duration: 48h0m0s
 Keep Bytes:    488.3MiB
GC Policy rule#1:
 All:           false
 Keep Duration: 1440h0m0s
 Keep Bytes:    953.7MiB
GC Policy rule#2:
 All:        false
 Keep Bytes: 953.7MiB
GC Policy rule#3:
 All:        true
 Keep Bytes: 953.7MiB

Name:      mybuilder1
Endpoint:  my-context-Arm
Status:    running
Buildkit:  v0.12.4
Platforms: linux/arm64, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.executor:         oci
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.hostname:         731ae36b52eb          host
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.oci.process-mode: sandbox
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.selinux.enabled:  false
 org.mobyproject.buildkit.worker.snapshotter:      overlayfs
GC Policy rule#0:
 All:           false
 Filters:       type==source.local,type==exec.cachemount,type==source.git.checkout
 Keep Duration: 48h0m0s
 Keep Bytes:    488.3MiB
GC Policy rule#1:
 All:           false
 Keep Duration: 1440h0m0s
 Keep Bytes:    953.7MiB
GC Policy rule#2:
 All:        false
 Keep Bytes: 953.7MiB
GC Policy rule#3:
 All:        true
 Keep Bytes: 953.7MiB

Verify Docker Buildx Installation

buildx should be included in the Docker installation. To verify, you can check the version or list the available builders.
Check the version:
# docker buildx version v0.11.2 9872040

List available builders:
# docker buildx ls
mybuilder *      docker-container
  mybuilder0     my-context-x86   running v0.12.4              linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/amd64/v3, linux/386
  mybuilder1     my-context-Arm   running v0.12.4              linux/arm64, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6
default          docker
  default        default          running v0.11.7+d3e6c1360f6e linux/arm64, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6
my-context-Arm   docker
  my-context-Arm my-context-Arm   running v0.11.7+d3e6c1360f6e linux/arm64, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6
my-context-x86   docker
  my-context-x86 my-context-x86   running v0.11.7+d3e6c1360f6e linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/amd64/v3, linux/386

If you see output from these commands, buildx is installed and working.

Prepare Your Dockerfile and Application Code

Ensure your Dockerfile is architecture-agnostic. Avoid hard-coded values or scripts that are specific to a single architecture.
Use base images that are available for multiple architectures, like those provided by official images.

Prepare Dockerfile and application code
# git clone
# cd yyy
# git clone app

Login to AWS ECR

First, authenticate Docker with your ECR registry. You'll need the AWS CLI installed and configured for this step.
aws ecr get-login-password --region <Region-code> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <AWS-account-ID>.dkr.ecr.<Region-code>

Replace Region-code and AWS-account-ID with your AWS region and account ID respectively.

# docker login -u AWS -p $(aws ecr get-login-password --region <Region-code><AWS-account-ID>.dkr.ecr.<Region-code>
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded

Start Building

Now you can start a build that uses all the nodes you've added.

When building multi-architecture images using Docker buildx, you don't need to manually update the manifest file for ECR to recognize it as such. Docker buildx handles the creation of a multi-architecture manifest and pushes this manifest along with the respective architecture-specific images to the registry.

Here's a general process on how to build and push a multi-architecture image to AWS ECR using Docker buildx:

Start a Buildx Builder for Multi-platform Builds and Push the Image

Use Docker buildx to build and push your image. The following command builds the image for both amd64 and arm64 architectures and pushes them, along with the multi-architecture manifest, to the specified ECR repository.

# docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t <AWS-account-ID>.dkr.ecr.<Region-code><repo-name>:<tag> --push .

This command will use the resources from all the nodes in mybuilder to build the image, start a build for a multi-architecture image, assuming you have a Dockerfile in the current directory.

By following these steps, Docker buildx automatically handles the creation of a multi-architecture manifest. AWS ECR recognizes this manifest and allows you to pull the appropriate architecture for the platform where the image is being run.

  • Use docker buildx build to start the build process.
  • Specify the target platforms (like amd64, arm64, etc.) using the --platform flag. For example, --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 to target amd64 and arm64 architectures.
  • Include additional flags as necessary, such as -t for tagging the image.
  • If you want to push the image to a container registry, use the --push flag during the build process. This will create and push a multi-architecture manifest to the registry.
  • Ensure your nodes support the architectures you are building for.

4. Verify on AWS ECR

After pushing the image, you can verify its presence and its multi-architecture nature in the AWS ECR console. AWS ECR will show the image with multiple architectures under the same tag.

Additional Notes
  • IAM Permissions: Ensure your AWS user has the necessary permissions to push images to ECR.
  • Buildx Limitations: Docker buildx needs to run on a system that can execute the architectures you're building for. You can use emulation (e.g., QEMU) for architectures not natively supported by your build system.
  • Dockerfile Compatibility: Make sure your Dockerfile and application are compatible with all the architectures you're building for.

  • Regularly update your base images and dependencies to maintain security and compatibility.
  • If using specific binaries or scripts, ensure they are compatible with all target architectures.
  • Utilize multi-stage builds to optimize the size and layers of your images.

By following these steps, you can leverage Docker buildx to create a multi-node builder setup, potentially improving your build performance and enabling more complex build scenarios, like multi-platform builds.
By following these steps, you can create a Docker container image that is compatible with multiple CPU architectures, enhancing the portability and flexibility of your applications.


Enable TCP port 2375 for external connection to Docker

Category: container Tags: public

