Amazon EKS Security Group Setup


This topic describes the security group requirements of an Amazon EKS cluster.


The cluster security group is a unified security group that is used to control communications between the Kubernetes control plane and compute resources on the cluster. The cluster security group is applied by default to the Kubernetes control plane managed by Amazon EKS as well as any managed compute resources created through the Amazon EKS API.

When you create a cluster, Amazon EKS creates a cluster security group that's named eks-cluster-sg-<EKS-cluster-ID>. This security group has the following default rules:
Rule typeProtocolPortsSourceDestinationRule Category
Inbound All All Self N/A Default rule
Outbound All All N/A Default rule 

The additional cluster security groups control communications from the Kubernetes control plane to compute resources.
This security group allows port 443 inbound from the worker node SG, so that the kubelets could communicate with the Kubernetes API server.
It also includes port 10250 for outbound traffic to the worker node SG; 10250 is the port that the kubelets listen on.
Rule typeProtocolPortsSourceDestinationRule Category
Inbound TCP 443 Worker node SG N/A Minimum rule
Outbound TCP 10250 N/A Worker node SG Minimum rule
Outbound TCP 8443 N/A Worker node SG Knative web hook

The worker node security groups are security groups applied to unmanaged worker nodes that control communications from worker nodes to the Kubernetes control plane.

The node group rules allow port 10250 inbound from the control plane SG and 443 outbound to the control plane SG. 

Rule typeProtocolPortsSourceDestination Rule Category
Inbound ICMP (for IPv4) - Destination Unreachable fragmentation required, and DF flag set Self N/A Recommended rule
Inbound TCP Instance listener ALB SG N/A ALB and TG required rule
Inbound TCP Health check ALB SG N/A ALB and TG required rule
Inbound TCP  Instance listener and health check NLB SG  N/A NLB and TG required rule
Inbound All All Self N/A Minimum rule
Inbound TCP 10250 Additional cluster SG N/A Minimum rule
Inbound TCP 443 Additional cluster SG N/A Known requirements:
- Istio (refer to below "Ports used by Istio" section)
Inbound TCP 8443 Additional cluster SG N/A Knative web hook
Outbound All All N/A Default rule

Ports used by Istio

The following ports and protocols are used by the Istio sidecar proxy (Envoy).

To avoid port conflicts with sidecars, applications should not use any of the ports used by Envoy.
PortProtocolDescriptionPod-internal onlyStatus
15000 TCP Envoy admin port (commands/diagnostics) Yes  
15001 TCP Envoy outbound No  
15004 HTTP Debug port Yes  
15006 TCP Envoy inbound No  
15008 H2 HBONE mTLS tunnel port No  
15009 H2C HBONE port for secure networks No  
15020 HTTP Merged Prometheus telemetry from Istio agent, Envoy, and application No  
15021 HTTP Health checks No  
15053 DNS DNS port, if capture is enabled Yes  
15090 HTTP Envoy Prometheus telemetry No  

The following ports and protocols are used by the Istio control plane (istiod).
PortProtocolDescriptionLocal host onlyStatus
443 HTTPS Webhooks service port No Applied
8080 HTTP Debug interface (deprecated, container port only) No N/A
15010 GRPC XDS and CA services (Plaintext, only for secure networks) No  
15012 GRPC XDS and CA services (TLS and mTLS, recommended for production use) No  
15014 HTTP Control plane monitoring No  
15017 HTTPS Webhook container port, forwarded from 443 No Applied


Amazon EKS security group requirements and considerations

Network security

Application Requirements


Category: container Tags: public

