Use custom domain and in-transit encryption for applications hosted by AWS Fargate

AWS re:Invent 2021 - Serverless data integration with AWS Glue

AWS re:Invent 2021 - Keynotes

Integrate Splunk with AWS Kinesis Data Firehose

Amazon WorkSpaces

Integrate Terraform with Jenkins Pipeline - Organize the Terraform templates

Integrate Terraform with Jenkins Pipeline

Create Permission Set

Data Analytics

Integrate AWS NLB with Istio Service Mesh


Prebake Python Docker Image

Deploy Application to Alibaba ASK (Serverless Kubernetes) Cluster

Deploy your first FaaS Application on Knative - Preparation

Deploy your first FaaS Application on Knative - Special Considerations

Deploy your first FaaS Application on Knative

Automatically Rotating AWS AppSync API Keys

The Beauty of S3 Select -- Dramatically Reduce the Processing Time

Run SELECT Statement Against File in Object Storage (S3, OSS and COS)

Access RDS DB via DMS

Restricting Access to K8S Log for Alibaba Cloud Container Service - K8S Cluster

Deploy Flink to EKS - Part 2 - Launching Amazon EKS Worker Nodes - [Description]

Deploy Flink to EKS - Part 1 - Install kubectl, create kubeconfig - [Description]

Create Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Application - Tumbling Window

Preserve the Network Settings (e.g. DNS servers) in the Cloud-based servers

Streaming Aurora MySQL Data Changes to Lambda

Build an AppSync API Using ElasticSearch and Lambda as Data Sources

Tune Performance for AWS Lambda with runtime Python3

Deploy an AppSync GraphQL API with DynamoDB backend (Part 1)

Query Apache Tinkerpop GraphDB using Gremlin -- Explain the "Drop" "From" "Index" "key" "Label" "Project" "PropertyMap" and "Value" Steps